What We Fund
Supporting organizations who are making a measurable difference in North Texas and around the world.
Grantmaking focused on
Dallas-Ft. Worth, Africa, and India.
Thoughtfully giving to those who are driving community transformation and quality-of-life improvement.
Dallas-Fort Worth is The Rees-Jones Foundation’s home and we’re passionate about this community and the people working tirelessly to improve it. Since 2006, we’ve partnered with and supported nonprofit organizations making life more hopeful for the most people in North Texas.
We do this through focused and relational philanthropy in eight key areas of giving.
North Texas Funding
Animal Welfare
Grantmaking that promotes the ethical and humane treatment of companion animals, because companion animals should have secure, loving, forever homes, and communities should be safe for animals and residents alike.
Activity categories include:
- Animal Maltreatment Prevention
- Animal Rescue & Adoption
- Animal Spay/Neuter
- Animal Welfare System
- Animal Wellbeing
Child Welfare
Grantmaking that serves children and youth referred to the substitute care system, because children and youth who have experienced maltreatment should have the opportunity to heal from their trauma and find permanent, loving homes.
Activity categories include:
- Child Substitute Care System
- Family Reunification & Family Safety
- Foster Youth Placements
- Foster Youth CASA Advocacy
- Foster Youth Healthcare
- Foster Youth Permanency
- Foster Youth Support
Community Benefit
Grantmaking that serves children and youth with specialized philanthropic programming, because North Texas children and youth should live in a community that actively supports philanthropy and civic participation.
Activity categories include:
- Christmas Philanthropy
- Community Investments
- Community Philanthropy
- Cook Canyon Ranch Scholarships
- Rees-Jones Youth Internship
Disability Care
Grantmaking that serves children and youth living with profound disabilities with access to therapies and supports, because children and youth with disabilities should have the highest quality of life and future welfare prospects possible.
Activity categories include:
- Adaptive Adult Living
- Adaptive Camping
- Adaptive Quality of Life
- Animal-Related Therapy
- Disability Condition Treatment
- Early Childhood Intervention
- Special Education
Evangelism & Discipleship
Grantmaking that serves youth and families by providing winsome opportunities to hear the Gospel and grow in purposeful living, because everyone should have an opportunity to know Jesus and be transformed by being part of God’s family.
Activity categories include:
- Christian Church Planting
- Christian Discipleship
- Christian Evangelism
Family & Youth Support
Grantmaking that alleviates conditions that are harmful to families and youth, because children and youth should live in families that love them and are equipped with the strengths to protect them from abuse, neglect, and other traumas.
Activity categories include:
- Early Childhood Development
- Family Home Visiting
- Family Wellbeing Support
- Advocacy Center Support
- Mental Healthcare
- Veteran Care
Neighborhood Development
Grantmaking that promotes the wellbeing of communities and supports a placed-based strategy for neighborhood revitalization, because North Texas children and youth should live in communities that support them.
Activity categories include:
- Neighborhood Advocacy
- Neighborhood Build Out
- Neighborhood Housing
- Neighborhood Land Protection
Youth Formation
Grantmaking that serves youth with instructive and Christian, character-forming experiences, because youth should have safe places in their community where they can flourish and fulfill their God-given potential.
Activity categories include:
- Youth Camping
- Youth Education
- Youth Enrichment
- Youth Formation System
- Youth Guidance
- Youth Mentoring
- Youth Scouting
Working with international Christian nonprofits to empower communities and connect them with Christ.
Internationally, we support Christian organizations that provide both tangible relief from poverty and build systems that address the root causes of distress and inequity. We are focused on those providing safe water access, eliminating human trafficking and bonded labor, empowering families, and serving youth with disabilities.
We consider international grants selectively, on an invitation-only basis. Our international grantmaking is split across three key portfolio areas.
International Development
Grantmaking that collaboratively invests in community, society, and Church assets in developing countries that are foundational to flourishing, because youth and families should live in communities that have basic resources and foster opportunity.
Activity categories include:
- Entrepreneurial Empowerment
- Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
- Youth Formation & Opportunity
International Disability Care
Grantmaking that serves children and youth in developing countries who have treatable and lifelong disabilities, because children and youth should have the opportunity to live their fullest lives and be cared for by family and community.
Activity categories include:
- Clubfoot Treatment
- Community-focused Therapeutic Care
- Disability System & Family Care
- Healthcare Professional Training
- Specialty Pediatric Surgery
International Justice
Grantmaking that promotes effective systems of justice, which deter human trafficking, because children, youth, and families should be able to flourish under the protection of the law and not be subject to human trafficking.
Activity categories include:
- Justice System Capacity Building
- Trafficking Survivor Aftercare
- Trafficking Survivor Rescue

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We provide easy access to detailed grant summaries that cover every year of The Rees-Jones Foundation’s existence. Within each, you can hear from our leadership and see the difference our grantees are making in the world.
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Learn more about eligibility and the application process.