March Focuses on Inclusion Initiatives for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities...
The Foundation is working to support children and youth adversely affected by a disability by supporting access to adaptive youth experiences, animal-assisted therapy, traditional and nontraditional therapeutic services, and independent living programs.
The Foundation supports organizations that serve youth with a broad range of conditions that impair their daily living and quality of life. Services that are funded include traditional and nontraditional therapy, youth and family supports, and enrichment opportunities that serve youth with disabilities or chronic health conditions that may or may not be curable.
The Foundation is also interested in supporting programs that assist youth with the transition to adulthood, and animal-assisted therapy, including service dog programs and equine therapy.
The Foundation’s focus in chronic health and disability services is primarily:
March Focuses on Inclusion Initiatives for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities...
International Day of Persons with Disabilities...
Digging Into What the Foundation Looks for When Evaluating Grants...
Funding for the continued partnership with Canine Companions for Independence, which matches children with physical and developmental disabilities with highly trained assistance dogs.
Funding to purchase 3-D printing equipment that will be used to create custom hearing aids for infants with hearing impairments.
Multi-year funding to provide tuition assistance so that children with disabilities have access to a high-quality, Christian education.
Funding to provide individualized, therapeutic care and support to children with disabilities.